Cabbage can prevent cataract! and has other health benefits that you need to know.


Prevents Cataract

Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene, so many people, particularly as they get older, turn to cabbage for its ability to prevent macular degeneration and promote good eye health and delay cataract formation.

Beta carotene is a red-orange pigment found in plants and fruits, such as cabbage and colorful vegetables. The name beta carotene comes from the Greek "beta" and Latin "carota" (carrot). It is the yellow/orange pigment that gives vegetables and fruits their rich colors

The Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage is a sturdy, strong and abundant vegetable. Hardy and easy to grow, it is almost universally available in all countries and cultures. Cabbage belongs to the all important family of cruciferous vegetables. The members of this family of vegetables are so named for their cross shaped (crucifer) flower petals. Rich in nutrition and fiber, cabbage is an absolutely phenomenal source of Vitamin C. Even more impressive is that cabbage is famous for a specialized, naturally occurring, nitrogenous compound known as indoles. Current research indicates that indoles can lower the risk of various forms of cancer.

Cabbage was popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. An early Roman medicinal preperation blended lard with the ashes of burnt cabbage to make an ointment for disinfecting wounds. Throughout history, the Asian diet has been rich and abundant in cabbage and its various varieties. Epidemiological studies have found that men living in China and Japan experience a much lower rate of prostate cancer than their American counterparts. Similar data has been uncovered regarding breast cancer rates among women.

It is no wonder that the lowely, plain, boring cabbage gets rave reviews from the world of nutritionists. Cabbage is relatively cheap yet one of the richest when it comes to protective vitamins. Talk about the original weight loss food! One cup of cabbage contains only around 15 calories.

Cabbage is rich in the following nutrients:

Vitamin A: responsible for the protection of your skin and eyes.

Vitamin C: an all important anti-oxidant and helps the mitochondria to burn fat.

Vitamin E: a fat soluble anti-oxidant which plays a role in skin integrity.

Vitamin B: helps maintain integrity of nerve endings and boosts energy metabolism.

Modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the health benefits and therapeutic value of cabbage, which also plays a role in the inhibition of infections and ulcers. Cabbage extracts have been proven to kill certain viruses and bacteria in the laboratory setting. Cabbage boosts the immune system's ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system.

Other health benefits of cabbage
  1. Hair Care
  2. Prevents Prostate Cancer
  3. Improves Brain Health
  4. Improves Bones
  5. Regulates Blood Pressure
  6. Reduces Muscle Aches
  7. Speeds-up Healing
Varieties of cabbage

1. Cannonball Cabbage - More commonly known as green cabbage.

2. Bok Choy - You may know it as bok choy, bai cai or pak choi but they all really mean the same thing: a dark, leafy vegetable.

3. Choy Sum - You may know it as choy sum or cai xin, depending on your mother tongue.

4. Napa Cabbage - Oblong in shape with frilly, yellow-green leaves, this cabbage variety is sweeter and softer than the other varieties and is widely used in East Asian cuisine.

5. Savoy Cabbage - Probably the most photogenic of the cabbages is this lacy variant.

6. January King Cabbage - Don't confused this purple-green beauty for the red cabbage.

7. Red Cabbage - Also known as the purple cabbage or red kraut.

Side effects

Cabbages can also have a few side effects on your body, including the following:
  • Bloating
  • Food borne illness
  • Goiter
  • Iodine intake
  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea
  • Drop in blood sugar levels
  • Colic

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